The Murals
Chadbourne St. Mural
Painted by Crystal Goodman in 2005, this mural is located at the intersection of Concho Avenue and South Chadbourne Street. These and other downtown San Angelo streets were originally covered with approximately 4-by-4-by-12-inch wood blocks placed on end as the road surface. The entire scene of the streetcar and automobile accident brings emphasis to... (read more) |
Blacksmith Mural
The 32-by-18-foot Blacksmith Shop mural is located on the east wall of the Concho Confetti Mall building located at the corner of Concho Avenue and Oakes Street in downtown San Angelo. This painting represents a general blacksmith shop of the 1800s and features a burly blacksmith working with his hammer and tongs on a large anvil next to his forge... (read more)
Stagecoach Mural
This first mural in the Historic Murals of San Angelo transportation series is focused on the wagon trains and the overland stagecoaches that brought mail and settlers to the Concho Valley. Stagecoach travel was filled with excitement as stage owners regularly reported that their way stations were being attacked and that drivers, guards and passengers were being killed... (read more)
Santa Fe Depot Mural
The Santa Fe Depot mural is part 2 of The Historic Murals of San Angelo transportation series. It is a historically accurate painting of the Santa Fe train depot that the railroad constructed in San Angelo in 1908. This mural is located at South Chadbourne Street and Avenue C, across from the old Santa Fe/Orient Depot. Whereas the many stagecoach lines... (read more) |
The Iron Horse Steam Engine
The 503 Iron Horse mural is Part 3 of the Historic Murals of San Angelo transportation series. Painted in 2002 by Crystal Goodman, this mural continues the history of the railroad and its influence on economic and industrial growth in San Angelo and West Texas. Whereas the many stagecoach lines... (read more)
The Cromwell Airline
The Cromwell Airlines mural represents the beginning of scheduled airline passenger service in San Angelo. This is the fourth and final painting in the Historic Murals of San Angelo transportation series. The entire series is located across from the old Santa Fe/Orient Depot at South Chadbourne Street and Avenue C. Carl G. Cromwell made his personal wealth... (read more)
Old Household Furniture Store Windows
These special murals are in the front windows of two vacant buildings on North Chadbourne Street. The Household Furniture Company is listed as the business at 11 N. Chadbourne St. in 1925. This building was added to the National Historic Registry Listing on October 4, 1988. Two multi-pane murals were designed and painted to accurately illustrate... (read more)
West Texas Ranching Mural
Texas muralist Stylle Read was commissioned to paint the Ranching Mural to commemorate and pay tribute to the pioneer ranchers and their ranching descendants in this area of West Texas. Located on the west wall of Bill's Man Shop and measuring 107-by-20 feet, this is the largest of the downtown murals to date. The wool and mohair industry in Texas dates from... (read more) |
Elmer Kelton Mural
This mural celebrates the life of the well-known San Angelo writer of western novels, Elmer Stephen Kelton. Painted by Stylle Read, the focal point of this mural is Kelton’s portrait that is much like the popular photograph on the writer’s website homepage. Kelton was born on April 29, 1926, the first of four sons born to... (read more)
Fort Concho Mural
This is a panel of the Military Mural, located at 108 E. Concho in downtown San Angelo. Fort Concho was established as a United States Army post in November 1867 with five companies of the Fourth Cavalry. It replaced Fort Chadbourne, which was closed the same year due to a chronic shortage of water...(read more) |
San Angelo Army Air Field Mural
This is another panel of the Military Mural, located at 108 E. Concho in downtown San Angelo. Construction of Carr Field Municipal Airport near Lake Nasworthy began in 1940, but was not yet completed by the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941. San Angelo immediately began successful negotiations with the military to convert the airfield into...(read more) |
Goodfellow Air Force Base Mural
This is another panel of the Military Mural, located at 108 E. Concho in downtown San Angelo. There was a word or an acronym that pilots used to use to describe this kind of area: CAVU, they called it, or Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited. That's much of the reason Goodfellow Air Force Base is here. With so few mountains and clouds it was a great place to train folks to fly...(read more) |
Indians of Texas Mural
The San Angelo area was in nearly constant upheaval as the more powerful Indian tribes fought viciously for control of the grasslands, rivers and hunting areas. So fierce was the fighting that even the Spanish settlers during the 1700s ventured away from the region so that their settlements could be more secure. Eventually, it was the Comanche who conquered... (read more)
Cavaliers Mural
The sixties, imagine–music is fun. Fashion is funky, miniskirts, paisley shirts, cruising the strip, the space race, Vietnam, and Rock and Roll. Your new car costs $3,000, and gas is 25 cents a gallon. Route 66, Perry Mason, Rawhide, Lassie, and Flipper are your favorite TV shows. It is a time of possibilities, innocence, fun, hopes, and Rock n’ Roll dreams in San Angelo...(read more) |
